Basic Information

Frost is a mix of heavy physical damage and heavy magic damage. Frost Strike and Obliterate should make up a good portion of total damage on single targets, and Howling Blast should be the big damage dealer against multiple enemies. Almost all frost attacks hit like trucks.

DPS: Frost DPS can be done either by Dual Wielding slow one-handers or by using a big two-hander. Focus on capping Melee Hit first (5% + 3% talent for DW, 8% for 2H), then Expertise to 26. After expertise, Strength/Haste/Mastery are the three best stats. Tanking: Removed, RIP.

Talent Builds and Rotations

Frost DPS There are a few points floating around that can be used for very minor dps increases such as Virulence, Epidemic, and Improved Blood Tap, or you can use those points for utility like Chillbains.


Simple Dual Wield

Simple Two Handed

Note that Virulence is such a miniscule amount of dps increase that you can swap it out for just about anything. Improved Frost Presence is useful depending on if you are dual wielding and in blues. Unholy Presence becomes better as you get more haste and start to become GCD locked while in Frost Presence.

Also to note that haste becomes better and better as you get more of it due to the way runes, runic power and runic empowerment work with each other. Crit is very weak for frost DKs due to Killing Machine proccing so often.

Rotations Frost dps currently stays in Unholy Presence (Frost Presence for aoe and depending on your gear, Dual Wield). There is no set rotation, but there are things to manage:

1. Killing Machine - Try to use it as soon as possible, preferably on Obliterate but Frost Strike is fine, too.

2. Diseases - Keep both diseases up at all times for single target, glyphed Howling Blast is enough for aoe.

3. Energy Capping - Always try to keep runes and runic power used. It's a lot better to be at 1 blood/1 frost/1 unholy and 60 runic power than to be at 0 blood/0 unholy/0 frost and 130 runic power.

4. Rime - It is alright to let Rime sit for a while. You can only proc Rime by using Obliterate, so as long as you use the proc before your next Obliterate, you're golden. Just don't forget about it.

5. AoE - Use one unholy rune for Death and Decay, all frost/death runes are for spamming Howling Blasts. The last unholy rune can be used on plague strike.