

This is the standard single-target raid build. There're a lot of optional talents in there but try to hang on to the ones that buff the damage to anything, and don't worry too much about the ones that save/regenerate mana (Euphoria should be all you need, pretty much).


Wowhead Gear List

Like other casters, you need to reach the hit cap (17%) quickly, but swap out so you're not over it.  For trash and 5man content you may find it advantageous to keep some equal-itemlevel gear around that doesn't have any hit/spirit.

Haste is your super-stat.  It is twice as valuable as mastery and crit is even worse.  Every item should have haste or be reforged to have some haste.

Reforge Priorities

  1. Crit -> Haste
  2. Mastery -> Haste
  3. Crit -> Spirit (until hit cap)
  4. Mastery -> Spirit (until hit cap)


Standard Rotation

Instructions for moonkin dps are simple but important.

  1. Refresh Insect Swarm just before it falls off.
  2. Refresh Moonfire/Sunfire just before it falls off.  However, if your current cast is going to proc eclipse, don't cast Moonfire next because it is likely to get applied before your spell lands, robbing it of the eclipse buff.
  3. Cast Starfall if you're in a lunar eclipse and it's available
  4. Cast Starsurge if available
  5. Cast Treants if available
  6. Cast Wrath/Starfire depending on your eclipse cycle.


Make sure you're in Solar Eclipse when AoE is needed, then use mushrooms on every cooldown.  Fill the time between mushrooms putting Sunfire on each target or casting Typhoon.


When you have to move, spam Moonfire and use instant Starsurges when available.  If you're good, you can also place mushrooms while you run, and then detonate them later (like when you have eclipse).


  • Squawk and Awe - Best addon around for battle chickens.
  • Balance Power Tracker Shows you when your eclipse is going to proc from the current cast, so you can swap between Starfire/Wrath more efficiently.


A lot of casters lose damage by waiting for their casts to finish before casting again.  The game will actually allow you to press the button for your next spell about half a second before the current one finishes.  The next spell will be queued on the server so that there's no lag between them.