Elemental Shaman

This guide is intended to provide simple answers to general Elemental Shaman questions.  For more detailed answers, please check out Elitist Jerks here or message me in game.

Talents and Glyphs


Talents - The first three tiers (15, 30, 45) are somewhat flexible, and based on preference.  (60) Elemental Mastery is better than Echo of the Elements if the fight has an increased damage phase.  (75) Ancestral Guardian will do much more healing than Healing Tide Totem. (90) Elemental Blast does the most damage in the tier, but changes the priority system.  DO NOT TAKE UNLEASHED FURY.

Glyphs - Glyphs are for the most part completely pointless and situational.  The exception to this is Flame Shock, which is a dps increase.  Unleashed Lightning is good for fights that require movement (but is a slight dps loss for any Patchwerk style fight), consider using this regardless.  Chain Lightning is a dps increase if there are 4+ targets, otherwise it is a dps loss.  Fire Elemental Totem is only a dps increase on fights that have a burn phase where it will be active, otherwise on short fights this glyph is a huge dps loss (fights where you won't be able to get the fire elemental out 2, 4, 6, etc. times).  Only minor glyph required is Thunderstorm, so you're not "that guy" who knocks mobs out of aoe and away from the tank.

Spell Priority

Note:  Remove Elemental Blast if you for some reason did not take the talent.

  • Flame Shock (Either not applied, or has 1 tick left)
  • Lava Burst
  • Earth Shock (If at 6 or 7 charges, do not use if Flame Shock has less than 5 seconds left)
  • Elemental Blast
  • Fire Elemental Totem (Read Fire Elemental under Cooldowns for more information)
  • Searing Totem (If Fire Elemental Totem is not up, and will get at least 15 seconds of dps time)
  • Lightning Bolt


Ascendance - One of the strongest cooldowns available, it allows you to chain cast Lava Burst for 15 seconds.  If the fight has a burn phase, save this cd for that point (unless it will be off of cooldown by the time that burn phase occurs), otherwise use this spell after using Lava Burst and preferably(Ascendance will remove the cooldown present on Lava Burst).  Use this with Heroism and/or Elemental Mastery (if you talented it; make sure you do not go under GCD).

Stormlash Totem - This totem adds lightning damage to anyone within 30 yards of it.  On a 5 minute cooldown, try to use this during Heroism.

Elemental Mastery - If you talent for Elemental Mastery, either use it on cooldown, or use it when a burn phase comes up (as long as it wouldn't delay using Elemental Mastery a second time before the fight ends).

Fire Elemental Totem - This cooldown lasts for 1 minute (30 seconds if glyphed) and uses the stats you have when you summon him to determine it's damage.  This cooldown is best used either during a burn phase, or whenever you have the highest amount of intellect (including trinket procs, potions, and other short term intellect buffs).

Stat Priorities

Intellect > Spirit/Hit/Expertise (Until capped at 15%) > Haste > Mastery > Critical Strike

Note - To reach hit cap, you generally want to use spirit.  This allows you to use pieces of gear for Restoration, if needed.  While expertise does count towards reaching 15% hit for a caster, the stat is awkward, and is never seen on a piece of gear with intellect on it.


  • Meta: Burning Primal Diamond
  • Red: Brilliant Primordial Ruby or Perfect Brilliant Pandarian Garnet
  • Blue: Purified Imperial Amethyst or Perfect Purified Roguestone
  • Yellow: Reckless Vermillion Onyx or Perfect Reckless Tiger's Opal


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