
Standard Spec

Echo of the Elements and Unleashed Fury are the best choices for DPS. Ancestral Guidance provides a huge burst of healing to the raid while you continue to DPS.


Level 90 Expertise cap: 2550 (2210 Dwarf)

Level 90 Spell Hit cap: 2550 (2210 Draenei)

Stat Priorities

  1. Cap hit
  2. Cap expertise
  3. Enchant and gem for agility
  4. Reforge crit, haste, etc. into mastery whenever possible

Agility > Hit/Expertise to cap > Mastery >= Haste > Crit

Mastery will probably overtake agility in later tiers, but for now gem and enchant for agility. It's important to point out that enhancement shaman no longer gain any DPS benefit from spell power.


  • Windfury on mainhand, Flametongue on offhand


Major - Feral Spirit and Shamanistic Rage are good for survivability/utility.

Glpyhs don't really increase DPS now. The exception is the Flame Shock glyph, which you can get if you have the Tier 14 4-piece bonus. This will allow you to cast more Earth Shocks instead.



  1. Searing Totem (if about to expire)
  2. Unleash Elements (assuming Unleashed Fury talent)
  3. Lightning Bolt (with 5 stack Maelstrom)
  4. Stormstrike
  5. Lava Lash
  6. Flame Shock (if debuff not present and you have the Unleash Fire buff)
  7. Earth Shock
  8. Feral Spirit

Searing Totem itself hits pretty hard now and gives you a buff called "Searing Flames" that increases Flametongue damage, which stacks to 5 and gives a significant damage boost to Lava Lash.

Remember to refresh Lightning Shield every 60 minutes.


  1. Unleash Weapon
  2. Flame Shock
  3. Lava Lash
  4. Fire Nova (on cooldown)
  5. Chain Lightning (with 5 stack maelstrom)

Use Chain Lightning in place of Lightning Bolt. Use Magma Totem in place of Searing if there is a large number of mobs.


That's correct, enhancement shaman now have DPS cooldowns (and a lot of them)!

  • Ascendance: By far your strongest cooldown. For 15 seconds, it gives your autoattacks and Stormstrike a 30-yard range and converts their damage to nature damage, which means they benefit from mastery. Use this during heroism if possible.
  • Fire Elemental Totem: The fire elemental now stacks Searing Flames when it attacks, which means you can use it in place of Searing, and it does a lot of damage on its own. Use this on cooldown, during burst phases, etc.
  • Stormlash Totem: Lasts for 10 seconds and adds lightning damage to the spells, attacks, and abilities of everyone in the raid. Try to use during heroism but coordinate with other shaman in the raid.
  • Feral Spirit: Good ol' Spirit Wolves are still around. They heal you and do damage, so use this ability on cooldown.


Contact Vespra.