Arms Warriors

This is a basic rundown of useful information on Arms Warriors.

Spec + Glyphs

Standard Arms Spec

For Prime Glyphs, the only three viable ones are Mortal Strike, Overpower, and Slam. Glyph of Bladestorm is only viable for AoE intensive fights; replace Slam.

Major Glyphs have some leeway.  I'd recommend Colossus Smash to keep up Sunders (if you have the unfortunate luck of no Prot Warrior/Feral Druid), Sweeping Strikes, and Cleave.

Useful Minor Glyphs are Berserker Rage, Battle or Commanding (Depending on which one you cast more), and whatever you'd like for your third.  If you have to Sunder, consider Furious Sundering.


8% Hit > Strength > Crit > Mastery = Expertise > Haste

General guideline if you sit in Battle Stance.  Note, if you do stance dance, Expertise will be stronger than Mastery up to 26 points.  Otherwise, expertise doesn't necessarily need to be capped, since Overpower will activate if your attack is dodged.  Do not go over 26 points of expertise, no matter what the circumstance is.



Arms Warriors use a priority system on what ability to spend rage on.  Due to Mortal Strike reapplying Rend, this has become much simpler to manage.

Rend > Colossus Smash > Mortal Strike > Overpower > Slam Heroic Strike at 70+ Rage or with Battle Trance procs.

Note that you can swap to Berserker Stance for Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike, and Slam, and back to Arms Stance for Overpower (assuming Rend is up -- You should never let Rend drop from the boss) for a dps increase.  There are fairly simple macros you can create to do this, but I'm too lazy to look them up.  Google is your friend.

Keep in mind that Bladestorm is actually a dps loss if used on a single target.

Make sure when you use Slam, that you don't clip into Mortal Strike!


-Contact Adana

Updated for 4.3.3