Fury Warriors

Fury is the strongest dps spec currently for warriors, with Single Minded Fury (SMF) being the stronger specialization between it and Titan's Grip. (TG).  However, both TG and SMF have similar play styles, so in the end it depends on whether you get two 1h or two 2h weapons first.


Standard Fury Build

Tier 2 and 5 are all purely situational, and can be changed as needed.  In teir 1, Juggernaut lets you charge more frequently throughout a fight, making it the most useful.  Impending Victory gives a healing cooldown and does some damage for the GCD used.  Dragon Roar is the strongest dps ability for Fury in tier 4, as it is a dps increase for both single target and aoe fights.  Bloodbath is recommended for tier 6, though all talents are in the same ballpark in terms of dps (Bloodbath edging out the other two very slightly if used on cooldown).

Major Glyphs - Death From Above, Unending Rage, and Recklessness are all highly recommended.  Heroic Leap is off the GCD, and can be a dps increase if used properly during a fight.  Unending Rage allows you to pool more rage for burn phases and cooldowns.  Recklessness increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 18 seconds, instead of 50% for 12 seconds, which with a reasonable amount of base crit chance, should help slightly with keeping Enrage up.  If you need to replace a glyph for a certain encounter, consider this one first.

Minor Glyphs - Only real useful one is Bloody Healing, which increases the amount bandages heal if you have Deep Wounds active on a target.  The rest are almost purely cosmetic changes.


  • Weapons: Dancing Steel if you can afford it.  Nothing else compares to it, but it requires 10 Sha Crystals (expect these to get cheaper as time goes on).  Otherwise get Windsong.
  • Cloak: Superior Critical Strike (+180 critical strike)
  • Chest: Glorious Stats (+80 all stats)
  • Bracers: Exceptional Strength if you can afford it (+170 strength, costs 3 Sha Crystals), otherwise Mastery (+170 mastery)
  • Gloves: Super Strength (+170 strength)
  • Boots: Pandaren's Step (+140 mastery, movement speed)


  • Red Slots: Strength/Crit (Inscribed)
  • Yellow Slots: Crit (Smooth)
  • Blue Slots: Crit/Hit (Piercing)
  • Meta: Reverberating Primal Diamond
  • Prismatic: Crit (Smooth)
  • Due to the change in power of secondary stats, and that gems give 2x more of a secondary stat than they do of a primary stat (Ex: 160 strength vs. 320 crit rating), it is now viable to gem for crit instead of strength.  This also makes almost every socket bonus worth obtaining.

Reforging Priority: 7.5% hit > 7.5% expertise > crit > strength > mastery > hit (to 26.5%), haste


Priority System (Single Target)

Priority should be:

  1. Bloodthirst on cooldown
  2. Colossus Smash on cooldown
  3. Dragon's Rage on cooldown
  4. Execute (During execute phase only, continue using only Bloodthirst, Colossus Smash, and cooldowns)
  5. Raging Blow
  6. Wild Strike (From Bloodsurge procs, otherwise it costs 30 rage)
  7. Impending Victory (If nothing else is available)
  8. Battle or Commanding Shout to generate rage


  • Recklessness, Skull Banner, Shattering Throw, and Deadly Calm are the main dps cooldowns available to Fury Warriors, as well as Avatar and Bloodbath depending on which you choose, (Berserker Rage is also a short cooldown, covered more in depth in notes).  For the most part, try to use your cooldowns in conjunction with each other as often as possible, and take into consideration when Heroism is going out, as Heroism will significantly increase your dps with cooldowns up.  Use your best judgment on figuring out how many cooldown cycles you can use before a heroism, if it is used later on in a fight.


  • Toss in Heroic Strike when you have a lot of rage. (80+ rage recommended, due to pooling rage)
  • For AoE, maintain a single target rotation, using Whirlwind instead of Wild Strike as your rage dump.  If you have excess rage, switch to Cleave instead of Heroic Strike.  Make sure to keep up Meat Cleaver with Whirlwind, since each stack increases the number of targets Raging Blow can hit.
  • Consider macroing Deadly Calm in with Heroic Strike and/or Cleave, since you will want to generally use it on cooldown.
  • If no one else is doing it, get Sunders up on bosses.  Colossus Smash glyph makes it easy to maintain.
  • Try to monitor when Enrage is up.  Ideally, you would like an enrage effect up 100% of the time, but realistically it is near impossible.  Critical strikes with Bloodthirst and Colossus Smash give the Enrage effect, as well as using Berserker Rage, so try not to overlap the two.
  • Colossus Smash increases the damage of your other abilities for the next 6 seconds (due to the ignore armor effect) so try to have 6 seconds of abilities to spam during this period.  If Enrage isn't up, also consider using Berserker Rage to increase the damage of your abilities.


Contact Adana

Updated for 5.0.5